Saturday, April 25, 2009


My new company is located at Jalan Templer. I will pass by this mosque almost everyday. I thought the Mosque look nice, and alway wanted to stop by and shoot some nice photo. And i finally did it last saturday.

I gotta stand on the road devider to shoot this photo.

This is also taken standing on the devider.

I took the photo using P mode, however the building colour look weird. It was suppose to be pale yellow, but this is more to cream already. Something must be wrong to my setting.

The cable is unavoidable. Maybe can.. i should have go there again to do more recce.

Still its not reflecting the real colour.
Like this most. But the cable is still quite annoying.

Overall, the photo taken was not as expected. I will go there again and perhaps spend more time doing recce and try out many more shots.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Night View

I always wanted to try a night view shot. But all i get is this.

Which is not satisfactory at all.. wondering how to shoot a better night view?