Monday, July 20, 2009

Lets Go Now Photography workshop

I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the photography workshop organise by MAS. In this workshop, we were taught some basic technics, like the aperture, the shuttle speed and ISO, which will contribute to the result of exposure; and also some basic rule on composing. It was a great workshop and i have learn something. These are some photos i shoot during the workshop.ot during the workshop.
The brownies served in the workshop.

Some testing shot. In 1Utama park.

Just set the shuttle speed to get this effect, but remember to set a smaller aperture to balance up the exposure.

I was really lost when i was in the Workshop, don't really know where to shoot and what to shoot. I ended up with only these 3 that i kind of like it.

The colourful flag outside the 1Utama.

The artificial Pond.

And the real flower at near the artificial pond.

I guess, I still have a long way to go....


  1. 哈哈 看了你的攝影... 發現了一些問題

    水平線 - 你得非常小心這一點 因為我發現很多照片的水平都歪了

    雜物 - 多留意整個照片的週邊 看看有沒有不必要的雜物出現 比如半個屋瓦 半個車輪 半個杯子 半片葉子之類的 ^^

    平衡白(White Balance) - 嘗試以不同的平衡白拍攝同一個畫面 看看哪一個色溫是你最喜歡的 然後就鎖定那個平衡白 儘量少用AWB 因為出來的照片色溫往往不是你喜歡的 如果你喜歡比較鮮艷的 那可選擇Cloudy Sunlight 或Shade 我的D70s是用Cloudy 不過並不是每架相機的Cloudy都是很好看的 依我的方法做一個實驗 然後你就知道了 ^^

    構圖 - 多逛網站 看看攝影構圖的手法 相信我 構圖好的照片 看了會很舒服的 ^^

    請多多努力 ^^

  2. 现在摸索的期间,的确需要一些教导,要不然怎么拍都好像怪怪的。。我现在常常会记得这样,又忘了那样。。。所以拍出来还是不理想。
