Last Sunday, I get a chance to attend a closed event, which about 50-60 Supercar was display in a New Mall Courtyard for a pre charity event.
Space U8, this is a new mall coming up in Shah Alam. Officially open in July.
Maserati. One of the earliest that arrive in the mall.
A Porche's Wheel A Porche. Also one of the earliest that arrive.
A Ferrari. Always look gorgeos in Red.
It has a total different feel from the back view.
An "ancient" Porche 911 entering the mall.
Love this cartoon like 911. Two Lamborghini in a row
西葡自駕遊樂記 - 懸崖上的龍達(十五)
哈哈 這就是前陣子曾出現在微軟電腦屏幕上的壁紙
安達魯西亞區擁有非常獨特的風景 這裏的房子都是白白的 所以大家也稱之為白色山城
主要的交通工具是巴士 可是據説一天的班次並不多
5 years ago