西葡自駕遊樂記 - 懸崖上的龍達(十五)
哈哈 這就是前陣子曾出現在微軟電腦屏幕上的壁紙
安達魯西亞區擁有非常獨特的風景 這裏的房子都是白白的 所以大家也稱之為白色山城
主要的交通工具是巴士 可是據説一天的班次並不多
5 years ago
I gotta stand on the road devider to shoot this photo.
This is also taken standing on the devider.
I took the photo using P mode, however the building colour look weird. It was suppose to be pale yellow, but this is more to cream already. Something must be wrong to my setting.
The cable is unavoidable. Maybe can.. i should have go there again to do more recce.
Still its not reflecting the real colour.
Like this most. But the cable is still quite annoying.
Overall, the photo taken was not as expected. I will go there again and perhaps spend more time doing recce and try out many more shots.